December the 19th, 2023
We are on hiatus until January the 3rd.October the 31st, 2023
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Häxan PICTURE-DLPThe grooves carved into these skulls bear an unknown depths.
Despite the inevitable picture disc murmur in silent passages,
this pressing truly gives another sonic dimension to this classic album.

Available exclusively at these dealers:
GERMANY: Eisenwald Tonschmiede
POLAND: Under the Sign of Garazel Productions
R.O.W: O.C.S.R. Bandcamp
September the 26th, 2023
BEHOLD: Cultes Des Ghoules - Häxan PICTURE-DLP
..: To be released on October 31st on O.C.S.R. :..
It will be available directly through us and through Under the Sign of Garazel in Poland.
BEWARE: Our shop will re-open on that October 31st, integrated into the webshop of Eisenwald Tonschmiede
April the 4th, 2023
It was brought to our attention that the long delayed release of the picture disc version of Häxan leaked.As the rumours spread, here some alternative facts:
The pressing consists of 500 copies and comes with sleeve and inlay.
It will be released as soon as we manage to get a store back up.
We are in the last stage, but everything takes longer than ever expected.
Be patient...we are vvithout end.
November the 1st, 2021
The shop is down for maintenance.September the 3rd, 2021
They call me with secret tonguesOctober the 31st, 2018
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Sinister DLPis now available in our ONLINE SHOP
October the 9th, 2018

BEHOLD: Cultes Des Ghoules - Sinister DLP
European version to be released on October 31st on O.C.S.R.
September the 23rd, 2018
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Sinister MCand "Day of Joy" shirt
September the 19th, 2018
SEPTEMBER, SUNDAY THE 23RD: Cultes Des Ghoules - Sinister MC
DLP vinyl for the Europeans to follow in October!
October the 13th, 2017
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules / Sepulchral Zeal - split MCORDER IN OUR ONLINE SHOP
September the 30th, 2017
OCTOBER, FRIDAY THE 13TH: Cultes Des Ghoules / Sepulchral Zeal - split MC
10" vinyl version by Malignant Voices
August the 8th, 2017
OUT NOW: Ash Pool - World turns on its hinge MCand Ash Pool "cancer christ" shirt
July the 25th, 2017
UPCOMING: On August 8th, 2017 the world shall turn yet again on its hinge
(click the flyer for bandcamp link)

cancer christ
May the 29th, 2017
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Coven 3-LPORDER IN OUR ONLINE SHOP

December the 18th, 2016
SOLD OUT: Cultes Des Ghoules - Coven 2xMCSee updated list of distributors below.
December the 14th, 2016
.:LIST OF DISTRIBUTORS:.Cultes Des Ghoules - Coven 2xMC
Night Rhythms
Iron Bonehead
W.T.C Prod.
Ván Records
Eisenwald Tonschmiede
Amor Fati
Fallen Temple
Under the Sign of Garazel
Malignant Voices
Casern Bitch
Only Vinyl is Real
Unborn Prod.
Duplicate Records
Radiant Eye Rex
December the 9th, 2016
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Coven 2xMCORDER IN OUR ONLINE SHOP
US customers: HellsHeadbangers will have 100 copies for distribution.
October the 31st, 2016

New album.
2x MC to be released in November 2016
3x LP to be released in December 2016
December the 29th, 2015
Gott ist tot.November the 27th, 2015
ADDRESSES: We simplified our addresses in the virtual world.The ' black-death-satan.de ' URL & e-mail always was, is, and always shall be valid, though.
New shortlink to the website: www.ocsr.de
New shortlink to the shop: shop.ocsr.de
New short e-mail address: nucleus [at] ocsr [dot] de
September the 23rd, 2015
OUT NOW: Christicide - Upheaval of the soul MC & Cultes Des Ghoules - The Rise of Lucifer MCORDER IN OUR ONLINE SHOP
September the 1st, 2014
WE HAVE RETURNED!July the 28th, 2014
SUMMER VACATION: It'll still be possible to place orders,but they can't be processed during the time frames below.
The shipping department is closed 26.07.2014 - 15.08.2014
The mailorder will be closed 08.08.2014 - 31.08.2014
June the 22nd, 2014
ONLINE SHOP: We now have an online shop to speed up all processes.Reachable either through the navigation above in the ORDER section,
or directly via shop.black-death-satan.de
May the 13th, 2014
Few are those who seek and fewer those who will find.SoMM ?
April the 15th, 2014
SOLD OUT: Voltaic Omen - Grand Fornicator ov Stigmatics MCMarch the 16th, 2014
BACK IN STOCK: Cultes Des Ghoules - Häxan DLP re-release.T-SHIRT REPRINTS: Cultes Des Ghoules Vintage Black Magic and the grey Häxan design.
December the 13th, 2013
TEMPORARY OUT OF STOCK: Cultes Des Ghoules - Häxan DLP re-release.No pre-orders.
December the 11th, 2013
BE PATIENT: There are many Häxan orders to be processed.If you've got a confirmation e-mail after filling the form, you reserved your spot.
You'll get an e-mail once your order has been processed, so do not write and ask for payment details etc.
As the demand seems much bigger than expected, these will be restocked as soon as the pressing plant can manage to produce them.
December the 10th, 2013
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Häxan DLP re-release.October the 30th, 2013
We now have a newslist. Visit the CONTACT section to subscribe.October the 28th, 2013
O.C.S.R. is now on Soundcloud.October the 27th, 2013
OUT NOW: Voltaic Omen - Grand Fornicator ov Stigmatics MCAs long as the release is available, it is possible to order an on-demand printed shirt with the tape.
High quality single copy production with direct print. The production for these is pricy, hence only bare production costs of 22 Euro will be charged.

September the 17th, 2013
SOLD OUT: Cultes Des Ghoules - Henbane MCSeptember the 9th, 2013
LADIES: Some Cultes Des Ghoules - Vintage Black Magic - Lady shirts available.GENTLEMEN: Few Total Genocide shirts available again.
IN STOCK: Akitsa / Ash Pool split LPs !
See ORDER section.
August the 27th, 2013
INFO: We are back.July the 31st, 2013
OUT OF TOWN: We will be on vacation from now till the 23rd of August. We won't have any internet access during this time.The order form is active. If you want something reserved, please fill out the form to get a timestamp: first come, first served.
July the 13th, 2013
INFO: Those Opposed Records, Cryptic Visions Arts and Dead Seed Productionsdistribute the Christicide "Upheaval of the Soul" LP in France. Copies shall arrive soon.
June the 16th, 2013
OUT NOW: Christicide - Upheaval of the Soul LPand a new Christicide T-Shirt.
May the 31st, 2013
RE-STOCK: Cultes Des Ghoules - Henbane shirts are back in stock.May the 5th, 2013
RE-STOCK: Cultes Des Ghoules - Henbane shirts will be re-stocked in all sizes in 2-3 weeks.OUT SOON: Christicide - Upheaval of the Soul LP should be out in 2-3 weeks as well. Testpress has been approved and it sounds incredible.
April the 21st, 2013
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Henbane MC and shirtMarch the 17th, 2013
DELAYS: Cultes Des Ghoules - Henbane MC is delayed until the end of the month.Christicide - Upheaval of the Soul LP will got to press tomorrow.
March the 5th, 2013
LADIES: Here's a preview of the T-shirt design for the new Cultes Des Ghoules album.If you want a lady fit, let me know a.s.a.p.
The colour of the shirt is "used black", printed with yellowed-white discharge ink.

November the 3rd, 2012
OUT NOW: Ash Pool - Cremation is Irreversible EPSee RELEASES section.
January the 9th, 2013
SOLD OUT: Cultes Des Ghoules - Spectres over Transylvania MCNovember the 3rd, 2012
OUT NOW: Ash Pool - Cremation is Irreversible EPSee RELEASES section.
August the 23rd, 2012
AT THE PRESS: Ash Pool - Cremation is Irreversible EPJune the 13th, 2012
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - Spectres over Transylvania MCSee RELEASES section.
June the 7th, 2012
SOLD OUT: Ash Pool - Cremation is irreversible MCMay the 2nd, 2012
AVAILABLE NOW: Ritual Murder 'zine #6, VOLUME IAll wholesale and retail handled by O.C.S.R.
March the 16th, 2012
OUT NOW: OCSR 012: Ash Pool - Cremation is Irreversible MCSee RELEASES section.
January the 17th, 2012
HEARKEN: You can now listen to full albums by clicking hereJanuary the 3rd, 2012
Christicide finished the recording to their 2nd album "Upheaval of the soul".The artwork is still in the making.
The track "Demon's Breath" can now be listened at the SAMPLES section.
See www.devilswonders.net for more info.
June the 30th, 2011
US CUSTOMERS:The Christicide and Total Genocide LPs are now available at Fallen Empire (usa).
June the 11th, 2011
SOLD OUT: Cultes Des Ghoules - Häxan MCMarch the 10th, 2011
New ORDER section added.Also includes a small selection of distributed items.
February the 21st, 2011
SOLD OUT: Christicide / Cantus Bestiae split-EPFebruary the 9th, 2011
SOLD OUT: Cultes Des Ghoules DLPNovember the 15th, 2010
OUT NOW: OCSR 008: Total Genocide - SatanNoiseVomitChaos LPSee RELEASES section.
A t-shirt is available, too...click here
UPDATE: The SAMPLES section transformed into a web player.
CHRISTICIDE: official website at www.devilswonders.net
October the 26th, 2010
Christicide's appearance at the Suicidal & Nocturnal fest was cancelled.September the 18th, 2010
New sample: the SoMM ? excerpt was replaced by a full track.August the 27th, 2010
OUT NOW: OCSR 010: SoMM ? - Désordre de la pensée - Phase 1&2 LPSee RELEASES section.
August the 26th, 2010
Moder is no more.HAIL DEATH!
August the 2nd, 2010
New LIVE section added.June the 29th, 2010
Delays.April the 21st, 2010
Cultes Des Ghoules t-shirt restocked in all sizes.March the 21st, 2010
New, bigger previews for all merchandise available.See RELEASES section.
February the 23rd, 2010
OUT NOW: Cultes Des Ghoules - T-Shirtclick here for preview/details
February the 17th, 2010
MYSPACE: It came to our attention, that MySpace profiles for Christicide and Cultes Des Ghoules exist.Neither of them is official nor wanted!
The people involved in these MySpace profiles are not linked whatsoever to any of the bands.
The same applies for any possible past/present/future MySpace activities under the name of any of the active bands on Of Crawling Shadows Records
(Christicide, Cultes Des Ghoules, Grimwod, Moder, Total Genocide).
February the 12th, 2010
OUT NOW: Christicide - Hooded Sweatshirtclick here for preview/details
February the 10th, 2010
ACHTUNG: The old snail mail address is no longer valid!Until a stable location is established, a temporary snail mail
contact may be requested via e-mail.
January the 11th, 2010
The site is up and running.